The game of Lawn Tennis has two separate roots. The original game dates back to the 18th century, when the Englishman and the Portugueseman, Augurio Perera, played a game called “pelota” on a lawn in Birmingham. In 1872, they played the game in Leamington Spa, where they formed the first tennis club in the world. The game of lawn tennis eventually spread throughout Europe and the world.All Movies HD Download free from hereĀ EPS Coin
The singles game is played with two players on the same court, while the doubles game involves four players. Each player serves with a racket, and both players alternate positions. In singles matches, the net is about three feet high at the center and six inches high at the posts. In doubles matches, players switch positions after each point and when returning their opponent’s serve. It is played until one team has won four games.All Movies HD Download free from here Filmy4web
Many famous tennis players play lawn tennis, including Robert Fahey and Serena Williams. There are various levels of play, with some players reaching the quarterfinals of the US Open and Wimbledon. In doubles, Amritraj dominated Bjorn Borg in 1974. He reached his acme in doubles at the age of thirteen and was the first Indian to beat Bjorn Borg in a major tournament.know more from here Picuki
The rules of the Lawn Tennis were first established in 1877, when two amateurs from the same club played against each other. The All England Club eventually became the dominant authority, and in 1888 the British Lawn Tennis Association was formed. In 1881, the United States National Lawn Tennis Association was established, and the sport gained in popularity. James Van Alen invented the tie-breaker system, and the U.S. National Lawn Tennis Championship was held in Newport, Rhode Island in 1887. All Movies HD Download free from here DVDPlay